Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education

1. Online Modules

Structure: 66 hours divided into 4 Modules

  • All 66 hours hours are divided into 4 modules with lessons delivered in video format
  • Begin viewing videos immediately and go at your own pace
  • Over 600 pages of supporting printable materials are included in downloadable PDF format
  • Printed material includes all the forms needed to integrate Ayurveda into practice
  • Curriculum developed with renowned Ayurvedic physicians and scholars from India under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
  • Taught by medical doctors with over 30 years' experience integrating Ayurveda into clinical practice 


The online 66-hour curriculum includes comprehensive knowledge of:

  • Basic Ayurveda principles – doshas, body type, diagnosis, sub-doshas, dhatus
  • Foundational Treatment Modalities – diet, daily routine, herbs, cleansing, mind-body medicine, aromas, spices and more
  • Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis – Over 13 hours of clinical instruction by Drs Rothenberg and Lonsdorf including beautiful detailed color graphics of pulse diagnostic technique
  • Protocols for Disorders – Detailed protocols are provided in the areas of digestion, mental health, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal conditions, pain, women's health, obesty, diabetes and respiratory, neurological, and metabolic disorders.
Module 1
• Maharishi Ayurveda Basic Concepts
• Ayurveda Physiology - Fundamental Principles
• Ayurvedic Principles of Diet and Digestion: Part 1
• Ayurvedic Diagnostic Approach: Determining Body Type and Imbalances
• Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Digestive Imbalances
• Mind-body balance and stress management: Introduction to the Transcendental Meditation® technique
• Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis - Lessons 1-3
• Diagnostic Principles Workshop #1
• Research Overview
• Ayurvedic Approach to Herbs- Dravyaguna: Part 1

Module 2
Veda: The Ancient Roots of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Principles of Diet and Digestion: Part 2
Ayurvedic View of the Mind: Individual Intelligence and Nature's Intelligence
Ayurvedic Approach to Spices and Aromas
Ayurvedic Approach to Lifestyle and Daily Routine
Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Cardiovascular Imbalances
Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Mental Imbalances
Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis- Lessons 4-8
• Diagnostic Principles Workshop #2

Module 3
• Sequential Development of Imbalance: Ayurvedic View of the Progression of Disease
• Musculoskeletal Disorders
• Women's Health - From Child Bearing Age to Menopause and Beyond
• The Subdivisions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha - The Subdoshas
• Ayurvedic Approach to Herbs- Dravyaguna: Part 2
• Integrative Gynecology
• Integrative Cardiology
• Ayurvedic Perspective on Integrative Cardiology
• Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Women's Health
• Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Musculoskeletal Imbalances
• Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Headaches
• Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis - Lessons 9-11
• Diagnostic Principles Workshop #3

• Back To Basics - Review of the Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Health Care
• Comparison and Contrast of Meditation Techniques: Brain Activity and Health Research
• Weight Management and Obesity
• Integrating Ayurveda into a Health Care Practice
• Clinical Approach to the Patient
• Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis - Review and Lessons 12-13
• Diagnostic Principles Workshop #4
• Ayurvedic Purification and Cleansing Approach - Panchakarma
• Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Diabetes and Metabolic Imbalances
• Protocols - Ayurvedic Approach to Respiratory Imbalances
• Vedic Exercise and Yoga Asanas
• Healthy Buildings and Vedic Architecture - Vastu and Sthapatya Veda
Module 4

2. Live Weekend Modules


The live weekends provide a chance to review the online course materials at the optional Friday review sessions. The Saturday and Sunday sessions introduce learning opportunities not found in the online course, including live clinical case workshops and live interactive pulse diagnosis training. There are additional charges to attend the live 2 or 3 day weekends - see registration page for details.

Attendance at one live weekend module is required to receive a Certifcate of Completion for the 4-module Level 1 course.

What you will receive

  • personal interaction with faculty
  • hands on clinical workshop training guided by faculty
  • pulse diagnosis intensive workshops
  • discussion of issues involved in developing your own Ayurveda practice
  • live patient case workups and presentations
  • extensive Q&A sessions

Spring Live Module: Jump-start of Clinical Skills

    Friday (optional): Comprehensive review of material in Modules 1 and 2
    Saturday and Sunday include workshops with a focus on Ayurvedic diagnosis and pulse assessment and applying the foundational knowledge of Ayurveda regarding:

    • Diet
    • Daily Routine
    • Mind-Body Medicine and Stress Management
    • Herbal Preparations

    Requirement to attend the Saturday/Sunday Spring Sessions

    • Attendance at the Friday Review, OR
    • Reviewing a 4-lesson online core curriculum at home before attending.

Fall Live Module: Mastering the Clinical Approach

Friday (optional): Comprehensive review of material in Modules 1,2,3,4
Saturday and Sunday include live workshops with a focus on case studies, pulse diagnosis, practice management and applying Ayurvedic knowledge in a clinical setting

Requirement to attend the Saturday/Sunday Fall Sessions

  • Attendance at the Friday Review, OR
  • Reviewing a 12-hour online core curriculum at home before attending.