Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education

Two Advanced Training Options for
Graduates of the Level 1, 66-hour Course

Masters in
Maharishi AyurVeda
and Integrative Medicine

Maharishi University of Management
Department of Physiology and Health

The Level 1 and Level 2 training programs of the Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education (IIAME) described on this site qualify for credit and fee reductions for those who move on to take the full Masters in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. More

Level 2 Training

Offered by
Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education and
Maharishi University of Management, Department of Physiology and Health

Level Two Training Course in General Medicine (Kaya-Chikitsa)

Building on the knowledge offered in the Level One training program, the Level Two course introduces a more advanced level of theoretical and practical knowledge designed to enhance clinical skills, and provide a solid foundation for practice. The Level Two Course includes an in-depth survey of Kaya Chikitsa—the Ayurvedic science of general internal medicine—as well as advanced training in Maharishi AyurVeda pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, and other more advanced topics.

Course prerequisites:

This course is for all health care practitioners and wellness educators who have completed the Level 1 Maharishi AyurVeda training program offered by the Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education.

Course curriculum:

Topics include:

• Advanced Maharishi Ayurveda pulse diagnosis (nadi vigyan) including analysis of the dhatu level and introduction to tongue diagnosis

• Fundamentals of Ayurvedic internal medicine (Kaya Chikitsa) and the Ayurveda science of prevention (Swastha-Vritta)

• Dravya Guna Shastra: principles of Ayurveda herbology: – using herbal therapeutics in practice.

• In-depth overview of Ayurveda anatomy and physiology – human physiology as the expression of Veda and Vedic Literature

• Consciousness-based medicine and the mind-body interface

• Fundamentals of Maharishi Panchakarma: physiological purification procedures to apply at home and in the clinic

• Health applications of Veda Aroma Therapy, Vedic Recitation, Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology, Yoga Asanas, Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Yagya, Sthapatya Veda, and Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems

• In-depth review: revisiting and understanding Prakriti (individual constitution) and Vikriti (imbalance)

• Maharishi AyurVeda clinical exercises and case workshops

Course faculty

Dr. Rothenberg is National Director of Health Professional Training of the Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education. He was founding medical director of the first Maharishi AyurVeda clinics in the United States and has more than 30 years of experience in leading Maharishi AyurVeda training courses, having trained over 1500 physicians in the US and abroad.
Vadya Kshirsagar

Vaidya Suhas Kshirsagar, BAMS, M.D. (Ayurveda) is a renowned Ayurvedic physician & educator from India. He holds an M.D. in Ayurvedic Medicine with a Gold Medal from the prestigious Pune University in India.

He has traveled worldwide popularizing Ayurvedic medicine, offering courses for both medical professionals and laypersons, and has provided Ayurvedic consultations for thousands of patients.

Paul Paul Morehead, PhD. Is associate chair of the MUM Department of Physiology and Health and associate dean of Maharishi College of Perfect Health. Dr. Morehead has 24 years of experience teaching and practicing Maharishi AyurVeda at Maharishi University of Management and participated in the development of the International curriculum on Maharishi AyurVeda.

NANCY LONSDORF, MD. Dr. Lonsdorf is National Co-Director of the Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education (IIAME). Dr Lonsdorf is a specialist in integrative medicine, clinical faculty member at Maharishi University of Management, and former medical director of The Raj Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center.

She is an expert on Ayurveda and women's health and is author of The Ageless Woman.

Online Program with Live Clinical Module Option
This course is taught in four modules. The course will be entirely available online through video presentations and downloadable PDF documents.

Module 4 will be expanded in Spring 2017 with material from a live clinical weekend conducted by Drs. Rothenberg and Lonsdorf. Full course participants may attend the Spring 2017 weekend at no extra charge and the weekend will be video taped and added to online Module 4 for those who cannot make it live.

Course fees

Professional Type 1 Module

Full 4 Module Course
Save 15% on full course purchase- Prices below are after this 15% discount

Physicians $516 $1,755
Allied Health Professionals $395 $1,343
Students, Residents, Wellness $297 $1,010
