Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education

The Ayurveda Training Program for Health Professionals:
Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers

Maharishi Ayurveda Association of America – NCBTMB Provider #: 945
CE hours: 20 – Self-care
expires: August, 28, 2018


The 20 hour Ayurveda Training Program for Health Professionals: Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers is a self-care course that introduces massage professionals to Ayurveda and dietary and behavioral approaches they can apply to their own health.

Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India and is arguably the oldest and most comprehensive system of natural medicine in the world. Maharishi AyurVeda®, a comprehensive modern formulation of this ancient science in accord with the classical texts—provides the knowledge base for this course.

The course introduces Ayurveda’s unique system of describing and classifying the various divisions of the body’s innate intelligence, called the 3 Doshas--Vata, Pitta and Kapha. An assessment of the state of balance and imbalance of Vata, Pita and Kapha alows the individualization of the diet, herbs, massage, spices, aromas and other natural health recommendations of Ayurveda.

The course also includes instruction in Ayurveda Self Pulse Assesment, that allows the individual to assess the state of balance or imbalance in the doshas by the patterns that appear under the fingers taking the pulse.

Based on this assessment, the individual, is able to apply individualized dietray and lifestyle approaches for their own health.


• 14 hours of videotapes accessible online
• Over 200 pages of supporting printed material in downloadable PDF format including all the forms necessary to conduct and Ayurvedic diet and nutrition consultation
• Taught by medical doctors with over 30 years experience integrating Ayurveda into clinical practice 
• Brief test for each each topic taken and submitted online

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of Ayurveda Training Program for Health Professionals – Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers, the participant will be able to:

Upon completion of Ayurveda Training Program for Health Professionals: Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers the participant will be able to:
1. Explain fundamental principles and clinical concepts of Maharishi Ayurveda.
2. Apply principles of assessment of balance and imbalance from the Ayurvedic perspective.
3. Apply the traditional Ayurvedic approach to optimizing digestive health.
4. Apply the Ayurvedic understanding of daily routine.
5. Apply the ayurvedic principles for use of herbs, spices and aromatherapy
6. Explain the mind/body medicine/stress management approach of Ayurveda
7. Apply the Ayurvedic understanding of stages of development of imbalance to improve personalized health care
8. Apply Ayurvedic self-pulse assessment techniques in the determination of the state of balance and imbalance

Curriculum and Topic Description




Maharishi Ayurveda - Overview and Basic Concepts

Stuart Rothenberg MD


Ayurveda Physiology – The Functioning of Biological Intelligence

Stuart Rothenberg MD,


Fundamentals of Digestion and Diet I

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Fundamentals of Digestion and Diet I and II

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Ayurvedic Behavioral Approaches to Health and Healing: Daily Routine

Stuart Rothenbeg MD


Introduction to Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Use of Spices and Aromatherapy

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Ayurvedic Diagnostic Approach

Stuart Rothenberg MD


Digestion Clinical Protocols

Stuart Rothenberg MD


Mind-Body Balance and Stress Management

Stuart Rothenberg MD


Etiology and Pathogenesis of Disease

Stuart Rothenberg MD


Pulse Lesson 1: How to Feel the Pulse

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Pulse Lesson 2: Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the Pulse

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Pulse Lesson 3: Feeling the Qualities of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the Pulse

Nancy Lonsdorf MD


Pulse Lesson 4a and 4b: Pulse Experience Forms and Taking the Pulse of another (15 minutes total)

Stuart Rothenberg MD




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Cancellation Policy
For online courses refunds are not available once passwords have been used to access to the course material.


STUART ROTHENBERG, MD, FAAFP. Dr. Rothenberg is National Director of Health Professional Training of Maharishi Ayurveda Association of America. He was founding medical director of the first Maharishi Ayurveda clinics in the United States and has more than 25 years of experience in leading Maharishi Ayurveda training courses, having trained over 1500 physicians in the US and abroad.
NANCY LONSDORF, MD. Dr. Lonsdorf is a specialist in integrative medicine, clinical faculty member at Maharishi University of Management, and former medical director of The Raj Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center. She is an expert on Ayurveda and women's health and is author of The Ageless Woman: Natural Health and Beauty after Forty with Maharishi Ayurveda.

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Contact us
Phone: 877-540-6222