Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education

Ayurveda Continuing Education Programs for Acupuncturists

Ayurveda CE Program Directors
Program Directors
Stuart Rothenberg, MD, FAAFP
Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, ABIHM

Ayurveda and Acupuncture are naturally complementary systems as both are based on the fundamental concept that there is a field of energy, intelligence and organizing power that flows through the body. This is the flow of biological intelligence and is responsible for the devlopment, maintenance and healing of the entire physiology.

Acupuncture is able to balance, enliven and maintain the flow of biological intelligence through it's techniques applied to vital points in the network of this flow. Ayurveda is complementary as it has the same goal to balance and enliven the flow of biological intelligence but uses diet, behavior, cleansing, herbs, meditation and other natural medicine modalities to strengthen the body's healing response.

The continuing education courses are taken from material in the full 66-hour Ayurveda Training Program for health professionals. The courses are based on Maharishi AyurVeda®—a comprehensive modern formulation of this ancient science in accord with the classical texts.

Available Courses

Course Title
CE Hours
and Fees
Acupuncturists NCCAOM – all states except Florida and California Ayurveda Training Program for Health Professionals online 13 click here
Acupuncturists California Ayurveda Training Program for Health Professionals online 14.5 click here

Contact us
Phone: 877-540-6222