Institute of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education

Co-sponsored by the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, Atlantic Integrative Medicine, Pacific Pearl La Jolla, and the University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine

dr Mimi Guarneri

This course added a profound healing dimension that I use every day with great results in my clinical practice and in my personal life.  For those interested in integrative medicine, this course is a must!

Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC
President, Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine


pAyurveda CE Progra,m Directors
Program Directors
Stuart Rothenberg, MD, FAAFP
Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, ABIHM

"I have practiced traditional, primary-care internal medicine for over 20 years.  There always is a significant percentage of my patients who cannot be helped by the Western medical system.  After finishing the level 1 MAAA course, I am now able to help many of those patients using Maharishi Ayurvedic medicine.  My patients and I are thrilled."

Alan J. Steinberg, M.D.
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine

Maharishi Ayurveda Training Program is one of the best online learning programs available to Integrative healthcare providers. The information is laid out in a manner that is easy to understand and incorporate into ones practice. I am very excited to bring the benefits of Ayurveda to my patients. 

Chiti Parikh, MD
Co- Director, Integrative Health
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College 

Site Director, Division of Hospital Medicine Lower Manhattan Hospital

“This course provided a deep understanding of natural medicine and practical programs for use in daily practice. I found it highly relevant to my cardiology practice, for both prevention and treatment.”

John Zamarra, MD
Board-certifiedCardiologist, Fullerton, CA

"This course provides valuable information that you can easily put into practice, not only in your medical clinic, but also in your daily life. This course in Ayurveda is bringing the holistic view of the human body back to modern medicine. It teaches valuable information that you can easily put into practice not only in your medical clinic, but also in your daily life."

Kulreet Chaudhary, MD
La Jolla, CA
"I really enjoyed the course. It provided a lot of information , excellent structure, many  opportunities for discussions and questions and a nurturing and pleasant environment. What more could one ask for ?

I plan to recommend taking the course to a number of  my allopathic physician colleagues, am  already providing my patients with a lot of the diet/ayurvedic routine recommendations and am joyously  looking  forward to Level 2 training."

Maria Carta, MD

"Maharishi AyurVeda® has inspired me to adopt Ayurvedic lifestyle changes for myself, and to recommend them to my patients. It has enriched my clinical practice with an approach to chronic medical conditions that is simple, yet profoundly effective."

Endocrinologist, Irvine, CA

Integrative Ayurveda
Authentic Ayurveda from Integrative Medicine Experts
  • Authentic – Ayurveda is the world's oldest Health System arising from the ancient Vedic Tradition of India. Maharishi Integrative AyurvedaSMis a comprehensive modern formulation of this ancient science in accord with the classical texts.more
  • Expert Integrative Ayurveda Faculty – Stuart Rothenberg, MD and Nancy Lonsdorf, MD are two of the most experienced Integrative Ayurveda clinicians in the world. Each has over 30 years of experience and each has treated over 10,000 patients with Integrative Ayurveda. – more
  • Video: "Why Practice Ayurveda" with Drs. Rothenberg and Lonsdorf – more

What you will learn

Participants will develop practical skills for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease— including Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis—that can be immediately applied in your clinical practice, as well as your own life.

Prevention—Learn how to identify imbalances before they manifest as disease and eliminate them through effective natural medicine approaches.

Ayurvedic Diagnosis—Learn the ayurvedic approach to determining the underlying root imbalances of common symptoms

Ayurvedic Puse Assessment— Over 14 hours of expert instruction with supporting printed materials by our two MD faculty, each with experience seeing over 10,000 patients

Diet and Nutrition—Offer clients an individualized approach to diet and nutrition that addresses underlying imbalances at the root of their illness.

Chronic Disorders—Discover new and practical non-pharmacological approaches to enliven the body's natural healing mechanisms and address the causes of common chronic disorders.

Detoxification—Learn how to apply traditional Ayurvedic procedures for clearing toxins from the body that may be a cause of chronic disorders.

Stress Reduction—Learn how to apply scientifically validated approaches to stress-reduction and mind-body balance.

Lifestyle Changes—Learn how to individualize daily routines and lifestyle recommendations for your patients to prevent behavioral mistakes that cause health problems.

Level 1 Course Structure

The Level 1 course is comprised of:

A 66-hour online course divided into 4 Modules – more

One live weekend Module – more
*Attendance at a live Module is required to receive a Certificate

Ongoing support with live webinars and Q&A


The online 66-hour online curriculum includes comprehensive knowledge of:

Basic Ayurveda principles – doshas, body type (prakriti), imbalance (vikriti), diagnosis, subdoshas, dhatus and ojas

Foundational Treatment Modalities – diet, daily routine, herbs, cleansing, mind-body medicine, aromas and spices

Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis –
Over 13 hours of clinical instruction by Drs. Rothenberg and Lonsdorf including highly detailed color graphics of pulse diagnostic technique

Protocols for Disorders –
Detailed protocols are provided for conditions in the areas of digestion, mental health, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, headache, women's health, respiratory, obesity, diabetes and metablic disorders. – more

Registration and Fees

Fees vary depending on professional type – details

Contact Us

phone: 877-540-6222